Network of Dragomir Nikolich Charitable Trust Students
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Aleksandra Vranic
I completed a third year of High school (eleventh grade) back in Belgrade, and the final year in Boston, thus graduating.A year after I started my Bachelors studies at WheelockCollege in Boston and have completed double majors in psychology and theatre earning both BS and BA.At the same school I am currently completing my Masters degree in Language and Literacy Studies. Since I was very much involved in the art world all around, I was cast or have directed and produced many plays in mine and/or other colleges and schools, both in the professional and amateur theatre. My field of study and interest being creativity, Iachieved my personal best outside of the theatre world by publishing one story while in High School and a poem recentlyin a Noble House collection in category “Songs of Honor”, New York.Other than attending college, I do occasional interpreting work, since am a certified translator.This is done in a local refugee organization and an Eye and Ear infirmary of Boston for parents with blind children from different areas of former Yugoslavia.Since my field of study is language, my future career might be focused on the ESL and ELL community, whether teaching or working within the organizations in some other way.
Welcome to the DNCT Alumni Network Blog. This is a community site for the current and past DNCT scholarship recepients. The main idea of the site is to create a place where members can exchange useful information, get advice, and keep in touch. It is a community effort, and its development depends on your interest only!
Message from Mr. Michael Djordjevich
The scholarship program was the idea of Mr. Dragomir Nicolitch who set up a trust so that young talented Serbian intellectuals could finish post-graduate studies in the United States, then return to Serbia and bring their knowledge and experiences with them to help their people. This noble idea in recent years has been difficult to fully implement due to wars and crises in our native land, something Mr. Nicolitch had not foreseen.
As you will recall, all of the students in complying with the scholarship requirements expressed either the desire to return to Serbia, or at least, to help out homeland in some way. Let's try to honor this commitment, and perhaps this is one way you can do so by joining in participating in our alumni network endeavor.
Miroslav Michael Djordjevich
President, Studenica Foundation
President, Monad Financial Company
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